Movable Room Dividers Type 80

Movable Room Dividers

Movable Room Dividers Movable Sliding Walls Room Divider Walls

SKU: Movable Room Dividers

Movable Room Dividers Type 80

Type 80 movable room dividers are applicable to the height of 2m – 6m, with the maximum Rw/STC 40 DB. As the basic type of movable divider walls, they are widely used in hotel restaurants, exhibition centers and other facilities.

Type panel  width (between) minimum / maximum height Minimum / maximum thickness panel weight / square meter top and bottom retractable Range Panel Material sound insulation
80 830/1220 2000/6000 80 33 22.5 MDF plate and aluminum frame 40

Sound Control Movable Wall Dividers

In architectural acoustics, we are concerned with controlling the duration of sound. In the walls and movable dividers partitions, this is done by controlling the sound transmission loss. At present, the most widely accepted acoustic performance ranking standards are STC or Rw. The sound transmission class is a two-digit number that describes the laboratory performance of a single building element that prevents sound transmission when passing through.

Movable Room Dividers Movable Sliding Walls Room Divider Walls
The following diagram is a rough guide of the privacy implications of various STC levels, which helps to understand why you need dividers movable sliding walls.

STC privacy

• 55 shouting not audible
• 50 shouting barely audible
• 45 loudly speech barely audible
• 40 loud speech audible, but can not understand
• 35 Loud speech understood
• 30 Normal speech audible, but can not be understood
• 25 normal speech easy to understand

The intended use of the room and the surrounding area will determine the amount of sound control you need. For example, movable room divider that separate a high school science classroom from student labs do not need to be as good as the movable room dividers of the hotel’s conference rooms.

For better acoustic performance, please check our type 100 sound proof room dividers.